As a healthcare provider, we are in active contact with Fortis Hospitals to facilitate a successful liver transplant plan for international patients
Causes of hepatitis C infection
The good news is that sharing eating or drinking utensils, kissing, feeding, or sneezing do not transmit hepatitis C. And this kind of casual interaction does not convey it
Sharing needles and other items used to inject medications, hormones, steroids, vitamins, or other substances into the body is the most common way to contract hepatitis C.
Hand washing is essential to reduce the chances of contracting hepatitis C as well as other diseases.
Transmission of hepatitis C during sexual activity is uncommon, although it is possible for someone engaging in risky behavior, especially “rough sex” or other bloody sexual acts. It is safe to wear a condom during sexual intercourse although the risk of hepatitis C transmission is very minimal. Condoms and other preventative measures should always be used by those who have many sexual partners or other sexually transmitted diseases, such as during sexual intercourse covering any open cuts or wounds. When a woman is menstruating, hepatitis C can spread more easily. If there is any blood during sex, always remember to be careful.
Many people also get hepatitis C through blood transfusions. This can include undergoing surgery that requires a blood transfusion. Since hepatitis C is now routinely screened for before transfusion of blood or blood products, this avenue of transmission has been completely eliminated.
There is a common concern that hepatitis C can be transmitted in other ways, such as through tattoos, body piercings, or by sharing cosmetic items (toothbrushes, razors, and nail clippers). However, there wasn’t any situation where this propagation method was actually used. This is still a very real concern.
The good news is that sharing drinking or eating utensils, kissing, feeding or sneezing does not transmit hepatitis C. And this kind of casual interaction does not convey it.
Signs and symptoms of hepatitis C infection
Hepatitis C can cause a variety of difficulties for some people, some of them severe
Fatigue is a symptom of hepatitis C that patients report frequently
Other signs and symptoms of hepatitis C include
Feeling sick and uncomfortable in the muscles, joints and abdomen
Some people may sweat when sleeping and have a fever
Others are always anxious or sad. Others claim that they are not as sharp in their thinking or memory as they were before contracting hepatitis C.
The good news is that for the majority of people, this may just indicate that your body is fighting hepatitis C. Not important, though. Discuss any of these symptoms you’re experiencing with your doctor.
People may experience additional symptoms if the liver becomes severely injured and scarred. This disease is referred to as cirrhosis. When you have cirrhosis, the liver loses the ability to carry out many of its crucial tasks. Your doctor will need to be aware of many of the symptoms and warning signs. This makes it necessary to see your doctor more frequently so that he can monitor you more carefully and treat some of your symptoms. For additional information about cirrhosis, go here. (link to the cirrhosis section)
Many hepatitis C patients can enjoy a regular life and die from causes other than the disease. Hepatitis C can cause severe illness in some people, although it takes years for it to appear. Hepatitis C generally affects the liver, where damage can occur. The liver can become irritated and inflamed like an ulcer when it is invaded by the hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis C can lead to a rare form of liver cancer in some people, and the infection can cause scarring of the liver.
Hepatitis C treatment
It is important to keep in mind that hepatitis C often takes a long time to damage the liver and that many people never develop symptoms. Apart from that, there are many other things you can do to maintain your health, such as maintaining a balanced diet, exercising frequently, reducing or cutting down on alcohol use, and using hepatitis C medications.
There are many factors to consider if you’re considering hepatitis C treatment. Depending on how much hepatitis C affects you, you and your doctor should decide whether to start treatment. You should be aware of your genotype, viral load, and degree of liver damage. Hepatitis C can be cured in 70% of carriers of genotype 1, although treatment is difficult. For genotypes 2 and 3, a combination treatment is used
However, many patients cannot tolerate these medications and have to stop treatment halfway through.
Diagnosis of hepatitis C
You can get tested to see if you have hepatitis C
Determining a history of hepatitis C infection is the first test , an antibody test is what this is. Only the history of infection is revealed through this test. You cannot detect whether hepatitis C virus is currently in your blood from this test. The extent to which the virus has affected the liver is determined by a variety of additional tests
Antibody test
Your immune system produces “antibodies” to fight the hepatitis C virus when it enters your body. The presence of hepatitis C antibodies indicates that you had the disease at some time in the past.
About 2 to 3 out of 10 people can get rid of virus C via their body’s defense systems, but the other 7 or 8 cannot clear this virus.
Presence of hepatitis C virus
A blood test can be used to determine if the virus is present in your body. The hepatitis C viral load test is what it is known for. This determines if the virus is still present in your body and assesses viral load for therapeutic purposes. It can help predict the likelihood of hepatitis C virus being cleared from the body by hepatitis C drugs as well as response to treatment. However, a higher viral load does not always indicate that a person is more ill. It does not describe how harmful the hepatitis C virus is to your body.
(ALT) alanine aminotransferase levels
When the liver is injured, this enzyme is released into the blood.High levels of alanine aminotransferase can occur.
Through a variety of factors, including medications, alcohol, toxins, and viruses such as hepatitis C.
Unfortunately, it’s not a great prognosis for people with HCV because some people still have chronic liver damage even with what we call normal alanine aminotransferase values.
Genotypes: Several strains of hepatitis C
Hepatitis C comes in six different types. The genotypes of several hepatitis C strains range from 1 to 6. The genotyping test involves drawing blood. Hepatitis C medications work better on some genotypes than others. As an illustration, genotype 1 is somewhat more difficult to treat than genotypes 2 or 3.
Liver biopsy
A sample of liver tissue is taken during a liver biopsy by inserting a needle into the liver, and the pain is usually mild to severe for most people. You are awake throughout the liver biopsy, and an injection of local anesthetic is used to minimize discomfort. Sometimes, the liver is also visualized using ultrasound. This will help determine where to insert the biopsy needle. Because of the discomfort, most individuals are very anxious about getting a biopsy.
The good news is that only about half of those who have biopsies experience some pain, and some experience transient pain that may radiate to the right shoulder. Although uncommon, some patients who undergo a biopsy must be hospitalized due to discomfort or because another organ is inadvertently injured during the procedure. After the biopsy, the patient will rest on their right side while they are monitored for a while to make sure nothing awful has happened
After the biopsy, the liver tissue will be given to a different medical professional for microscopic examination and a report on the condition of the liver.
Prevention measures
Do not share needles or items (cottons, utensils, or bandages) used to inject medications, hormones, steroids, and vitamins. Don’t even share the water. Wash your hands before injecting
Cover any open cuts or wounds
Sexual transmission is low, but the use of condoms and barriers will help reduce the risk even further
A mother can pass hepatitis C to her baby during pregnancy or childbirth, but it doesn’t happen often
Don’t share drug sniffers or smoking pipes
Be sure to follow standard safety precautions in healthcare settings carefully.
Don’t share any personal hygiene items such as razors, toothbrushes, or nail clippers. Cover personal items and keep them separate from other people you live with
Ensure that the tools are sterile. Make sure to use fresh needles and ink for each person. For piercings, make sure you use a new needle and that the package containing the needle opens in front of you.
Acute liver failure
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis c
Liver Cancer